
四維精密材料SYMBIO RTO執行楷模觀摩會

非常榮幸與各位分享令人振奮的消息! 我司榮獲業界RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidation)廢水回收執行之楷模,並特地舉辦觀摩會,與業界專家們分享技術與成果,並帶領來賓實際參觀工廠。四維持續在環保永續這條路上努力不懈,使得產業經濟能夠永續循環,生生不息。

Exciting news! 🎉 Our company has just been recognized as a leader in wastewater recycling technology, with a special spotlight on our Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (RTO) system. To mark this achievement, we hosted a symposium and observation tour, showcasing our innovative technology and recent accomplishments to fellow industry professionals. Following this, we offered an exclusive tour of our factories.

At Symbio, we are dedicated to environmental protection and sustainability. Our goal is to drive continuous circulation and growth within the industrial economy. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey!

#WastewaterRecycling #SustainabilityLeadership

四維精密材料SYMBIO RTO執行楷模觀摩會

四維精密材料SYMBIO RTO執行楷模觀摩會

四維精密材料SYMBIO RTO執行楷模觀摩會

四維精密材料SYMBIO RTO執行楷模觀摩會




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